The existing Through-Life Support (TLS) agreement was signed in December 2003, with an initial duration of 15 years and an option to extend for a further 10 years.But The Australian last week reported senior engineering experts as saying that, due to a run of crippling mechanical problems, the Swedish-supplied Hedemora diesel engines in the Collins subs may have to be replaced - a major design and engineering job that could cost millions of dollars and take years to complete.The report also suggested that Defence wants to cut the average time for a Full Cycle Docking (FCD) from three to two years which would save some $60-70 million a year.ASC shortly after outlined how well they are working with DMO to get the issues sorted and that an announcement on a new boss is ‘expected shortly' after Greg Tunny's departure in May this year saw a ‘shake-up' of how business was done.
New Support Agreement to Cut Collins’ Costs
Defence is seeking to reduce the cost of operating the Navy's six Collins-class submarines by signing a new support agreement with ASC before the start of fiscal year 2010, a Department of Defence spokesperson has confirmed to Jane's.Source: (Australian Defence) via Defense Studies
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