The government is set to purchase Russian-made submarine, a legislator said Monday. “There’s always been a plan to purchase submarine and I’ve surveyed a few submarine workshops in Moscow, Russia. This submarine is to display our naval strength and also anticipate any armed conflicts,” deputy speaker of the House of Representatives’ Commission I on political, security and foreign affairs, Yusron Ihza said, as quoted by Antara news.
Ihza added that due to the global economic downturn, the purchase would be made in stages.
“It’s not necessary to own many submarines since they are expensive, just three state of the art units suffice to safeguard the integrity of our waters,” Ihza said. He added that the country’s economic power needed enhancement as it correlated to the country’s defense and security.
If the country’s economy lies in the balance, so is our defense, Ihza said. “My colleagues and I at the House have fought for an increase in defense spending, yet unfortunately this isn’t possible now,” he said, adding that only a third of the proposed budget was approved.
Comment: Indonesia does not have the money for this purchase but it will raise funds through commercial loans most probably from banks in France. However, the submarine, most possibly a Kilo-class, will be sometime in coming and the loan sometime in organising.
Source: Jakarta Post
Date: 9 February 2009